Abusive Immigration Practices

Banner: T.P.S. for Haitians please
June 7, 2017
Secretary John Kelly’s May 22 announcement that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will extend Haiti’s Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation for only six months rather than the usual 18...
CCR Bertha Justice Institute Fellow Stephanie Llanes will be speaking at the 2017 Summit on Latin@s on a panel, Criminal Justice and Police-Community Relations . The Summit on Latin@s seeks to...
activist mama
May 12, 2017
This coming Sunday marks Mother’s Day, a holiday with roots in the post-Civil War burgeoning feminist and pacifist movements in the U.S. In its modern incarnation, Mother’s Day has become a more...
Please join CCR and allies across the country for a National Week of Resistance to renew our collective declaration of #NoMuslimBanEver. During this critical week, we must continue to raise our...
This year, CCR is going all-in to support the call for a general strike on Monday, May 1 , in solidarity with immigrants and other communities under attack by the Trump administration . Will you join...
