Abusive Immigration Practices

CCR Bertha Justice Institute Fellow Noor Zafar will join a panel to discuss the travel ban executive order and its impact on the Iranian community and other affected communities, and pending...
CCR Executive Director Vince Warren and CCR Senior Staff Attorney Pardiss Kebriaei will both join distinguished panels of legal experts as part of a continuing legal education (CLE) seminar with...
Noor Zafar on Al Jazeera
February 9, 2017
Bertha Justice Fellow Noor Zafar joined Al Jazeera English to discuss the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals' ruling upholding the stay on Trump's Muslim ban: "The president of the United States cannot...
Vince Warren on Democracy Now
February 10, 2017
In a major victory for civil rights advocates, the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has unanimously refused to reinstate Donald Trump’s executive order that banned people from seven Muslim-...
