Abusive Immigration Practices

Baher Azmy on CBS News
January 30, 2017
“It’s not constitutional… This is a historic act of discrimination that singles out in broad fashion one religion, treats them differently, and is motivated by this venomous dislike for Muslims…...
Donald Trump has been in power less than two weeks and has already done incredible damage. He’s signing executive orders like they are autographed pictures — but this isn’t a reality show. This week...
Vince on AM Joy
January 29, 2017
CCR Executive Director Vincent Warren joined AM Joy to discuss Donald Trump's refugee and Muslim ban.
U.S. Supreme Court
January 26, 2017
After Trump's executive orders making national policy out of anti-Muslim hate, our Supreme Court case Ziglar v. Abbasi (changed from Turkmen v. Ashcroft in November 2016) could not be more timely or...
Letters from Detention
January 27, 2017
Last night, CCR and The Jerome L. Greene Performance Space at WNYC , in association with The Public Theater's Public Forum , hosted an evening of storytelling and conversation about CCR’s Supreme...
Vince Warren on Democracy Now
January 26, 2017
Today Donald Trump is flying to Philadelphia, where congressional Republicans are on retreat. He’s going in an effort to win more support for his political agenda. Over the past five days, he has...
Rights groups offer toolkit for communities January 25, 2017, New York – In response to Donald Trump’s executive order targeting immigrants, the Center for Constitutional Rights issued the following...
