Widening the Lens: Criminalization of Homelessness and Intersectionality


Add to My Calendar Tuesday, June 6, 2017 1:00pm to 2:30pm


Sidley Austin LLP
1501 K Street NW
Washington, DC 20005

CCR advocacy program manager Nahal Zamani will speak on a plenary panel at Housing Not Handcuffs: National Forum on the Human Right to Housing.This forum will focus on increasing the reach of the newly launched Housing Not Handcuffs national campaign, which fights against the criminalization of homelessness—and for adequate housing instead. The forum will include discussions on on the intersectional forms of discrimination that result in the criminalization of homelessness to the models of advocacy that are succeeding in cities and counties. 

The entire forum runs from June 6-7. Visit the forum website to register and access the full schedule.

Last modified 

May 31, 2017