Trump Week Two: The Rise of Chief Yookeroo

February 1, 2017
Intercepted Podcast

Donald Trump has been in power less than two weeks and has already done incredible damage. He’s signing executive orders like they are autographed pictures — but this isn’t a reality show. This week on Intercepted we talk to former senior FBI agent Ali Soufan about the commander in chief’s radical edicts, the “Muslim ban,” and Trump’s campaign to make torture great again. Constitutional rights lawyers Faiza Patel and Vince Warren dissect the (il)legality of Trump’s immigration ban and Rep. Barbara Lee breaks down Trump’s terrifying approach to government. Former covert agent Mike German and Intercept Editor-in-Chief Betsy Reed explain what secret FBI documents published this week by The Intercept tell us about how Trump could resurrect J. Edgar Hoover’s legacy. Hip-hop artist Brother Ali performs. Plus, Peter Sarsgaard stars in the bizarre true story of an NSA operative with exciting vacation tips for fellow operatives on their way to interrogate prisoners at Guantánamo.

Listen to the podcast here.

Last modified 

February 6, 2017