A Visit With Vince

July 6, 2016
Trillions Magazine

Trillions interviewed Mr. Warren at the Center for Constitutional Rights’ New York City offices on June 20, 2016.

Trillions: The Center for Constitutional Rights is one of the more important human rights litigation and advocacy organizations in the United States, and has been so going back to its founding in 1966. What brought you to the Center and your current role as its Executive Director?

Vince Warren: I am a lawyer and I have been practicing for close to 25 years at this point.  When I was in college in the mid-1980s, I was very involved in my local college’s divestment campaign, looking to get my school to divest from business and corporations that were supporting the apartheid regime in South Africa.  That was my first political awakening.

During that work, I became aware of the Center for Constitutional Rights, which had a really great reputation for taking on cutting-edge issues in the International Human Rights arena. They were going after dictators.  They were going after the U.S. government for meddling in the affairs of Central America in the 1970s.  So I first became aware of them as a legal organization that was doing great work.

Read the rest here.

Last modified 

July 7, 2016