Taking Israel and Biden to Court – Capitol Calling Party


Add to My Calendar Tuesday, December 5, 2023 8:00pm


As millions across the world protest Israel’s collective punishment of Gaza, CODEPINK joins efforts to hold Israel accountable under international law for genocide. 

Join CODEPINK Congress on Tuesday, December 5, at 8 p.m. ET, to hear international law attorneys to discuss next steps at the International Criminal Court, which has jurisdiction to prosecute criminal cases. They will also discuss possible overtures to the International Court of Justice, which hears civil cases between parties, and efforts to hold President Biden, Secretary of State Blinken, and Secretary of Defense Austin accountable for aiding and abetting genocide.

Speakers: Center for Constitutional Rights Senior Staff Attorney Katherine Gallagher and Professor Emerita and former National Lawyers Guild president Marjorie Cohn.

Register on CODEPINK’s website




Last modified 

December 4, 2023