National Security and Civil Liberties Under the Trump Administration


Add to My Calendar Saturday, June 10, 2017 11:30am to 1:15pm


Capital Hilton
1001 16th St NW
Washington, DC 20036

CCR Senior Staff Attorney Rachel Meeropol will be speaking at the 2017 American Constitution Society National Convention on a plenary panel, National Security and Civil Liberties Under the Trump Administration. The Trump Administration has signaled a national security philosophy that is in turns interventionist and isolationist. This panel will attempt to make sense of these seemingly opposing philosophies, assess the civil liberty and constitutional threats each pose, and consider strategies for combatting those threats through both litigation and public advocacy.

The ACS National Convention will take place June 8-10. You can visit the ACS website for complete information about the convention including descriptions of the panels, speakers, and full schedule.

Last modified 

May 22, 2017