Guantánamo, Where Do We Go From Here?


Add to My Calendar Friday, January 12, 2024 5:00pm to 6:00pm


Center for Constitutional Rights Advocacy Program Manager Aliya Hussain will join a webinar hosted by Massachusetts Peace Action.

Thirty Muslim men remain detained as the Guantánamo Bay prison enters its 23rd year of operation. Sixteen have long been cleared, some for as long as twenty years, while billions of dollars have been spent keeping them there. Why is Guantánamo still open? Will the Biden administration fulfill its goal of closing the prison? What can we do?

The virtual conversation will include the former UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Counterterrorism, a Guantánamo survivor, and experts from Amnesty International USA and the Center for Constitutional Rights. Panelists will discuss the current status of the prison, the conditions faced by men who have been released, and where we go from here.

Read more about the event and speakers, and register here.


Last modified 

December 29, 2023