Abusive Immigration Practices

Headshot of CJ Sandley in jacket and white shirt
CJ Sandley is a Senior Staff Attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights, where they focus on anti-carceral and racial injustice litigation. They are based in Birmingham, Alabama. Before joining...
Headshot of Mikaila Hernández in blue sleeveless blouse with arms folded
Mikaila Hernández is a Bertha Justice Fellow at the Center for Constitutional Rights, where she works on defending the rights of asylum seekers and immigrants taking sanctuary, challenging...
Headshot of Sadaf Doost in lavender grey headscarf and black shirt
Sadaf Doost is a Bertha Justice Fellow at the Center for Constitutional Rights, where she works on supporting the Afghan people in the wake of the Taliban takeover, defending Palestine liberation...
Headshot of Zee Scout with arms crossed in sleeveless white blouse with black bow
Zee Scout is a Bertha Justice Fellow at the Center for Constitutional Rights. She is a graduate of the University of Tennessee College of Law in Knoxville, where she was a member of the Lambda Legal...
