The Shift: Barbara Lee says opposing the expansion of Trump’s arms deals was an accident

July 6, 2023

... A new letter from a coalition of human rights groups (including the Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and Palestine Legal) calls on the school to apologize for the situation.

“CUNY’s failure to protect and support Ms. Mohammed following a commencement address approved by CUNY is part of a broader pattern of censoring criticism of Israel’s policies and discriminating against Palestinian students, speakers and alumni across CUNY campuses,” it reads. “Over the past decade, anti-Palestinian groups and politicians have disingenuously accused students, professors and speakers of antisemitism for speech in support of Palestinian rights, prompting investigations that have ultimately cleared Palestine advocates of wrongdoing. These attacks against Mohammed are part of widespread harassment campaigns to shut down criticism of Israel by attacking Palestinians and their supporters. These acts of censorship and discrimination against Palestinians and their allies should be the focus of CUNY’s condemnation, not the principled and protected speech in support of justice and freedom for all offered by Ms. Mohammed.” ...

Read the full piece here

Last modified 

July 6, 2023