Consideration for Ukrainian Refugees Has African Immigration Advocates Crying Foul

April 6, 2022
The Root

...Critics of Biden’s plan point out that Haitians who endured the assassination of their president in July of 2021 and a deadly earthquake one month later have been the victim of racist U.S. immigration policies that leave them with few options. “The reality is that all over the world, unfortunately, there are many people who are experiencing similar things and don’t get that type of urgency from the U.S. government or attention,” said Samah Sisay, a Liberian immigrant who works for the Center for Constitutional Rights. Sisay points out the double standard in U.S. immigration policy, noting that because Ukrainians are Europeans, they are not viewed as a threat in the same way African refugees are. ...

Read the full piece here.

Last modified 

April 22, 2022