For First Time in Public, a Detainee Describes Torture at C.I.A. Black Sites

November 5, 2021
The New York Times

...“The more I cooperated, the more I was tortured,” said Mr. Khan, shown in a 2018 photo, who is now cooperating with the government. Credit Center for Constitutional Rights


In court on Thursday, Mr. Khan read from a carefully worded 39-page account that did not identify C.I.A. agents or the countries and foreign intelligence agencies that had a role in his secret detention at black sites — information that is protected at the national security court. He expressed remorse for hurting people through his embrace of radical Islam and Al Qaeda, but also found a way around a labyrinth of U.S. intelligence classifications to realize a decade-long ambition to tell the world what U.S. agents had done to him. ...

Read the full piece here.

Last modified 

November 8, 2021