Tanvir v. Tanzin Supreme Court hearing postponed
We are writing to share a few updates: we have cancelled our March 23 event with CLEAR and Justice for Muslims Collective, Protecting Community, "Protecting Community, Challenging the Spy-or-No-Fly List." Also, the Supreme Court has canceled the remaining March oral arguments, including in our case Tanvir v. Tanzin. We do not know when the argument will be rescheduled, but we will continue to think creatively about ways to amplify our clients’ stories, the issues central to the lawsuit, and the work of our partners who are fighting back against law enforcement’s abuse of power.
Learn more about the case on our website.
Announcing the new date for the Social Justice Throwdown
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The Social Justice Throwdown has been postponed to bring you a bigger and better gathering on September 17, 2020 in New York City.
We have rescheduled our community event as a precautionary measure against COVID-19. Public health crises are intimate reminders that we belong together. We have come to this decision in an effort to limit the spread of this virus as much as possible, and to better protect those who are most at risk.
While we are disappointed to not be able to celebrate with you sooner, we are excited for the opportunity to bring you an even bigger and better event this Fall!
For the latest updates, head to our events page.