Professor Hopes to Return After Being Fired for "Disrespectful" Tweets Against Israel

October 20, 2015
The Intercept

A year after he was fired by the University of Illinois over concerns about the “civility” of his criticism of supporters of Israel, Steven Salaita says that, despite the emotional trauma he suffered as a result of his ordeal, he hopes to find a way to return to a teaching position at the school.

“The response to my firing has really emboldened a lot of people there, and I’ve gotten almost unanimous support from faculty at the school,” Salaita said in an interview. “On some level, to be honest, it would be a little weird coming to work at a campus where I’ve been the source of so much controversy. But ultimately, I’d see it as a victorious moment, not just personally, but for the principle of free speech in American academia.” ...

Read the full piece here.

Last modified 

October 22, 2015