Purchasing Freedom Dearly: Ethel Rosenberg Gets Her Day of Justice

October 29, 2015
Common Dreams

Talk about your long arc: Over 60 years late, New York City officials, supporters and her surviving family gathered this week to "begin to right the wrong of what happened to Ethel Rosenberg,” declaring her "an innocent woman (who) was unjustly executed" after a flawed trial that became the most shameful symbol of political repression in the cold war era. Marking what would have been Ethel's 100th birthday, her children, grandchildren and a great-granddaughter joined New York City Council members to "honor (her) life and memory” and proclaim the “Ethel Rosenberg Day of Justice in the Borough of Manhattan.” ...

...The Rosenbergs' two sons, Robert and Michael Meeropol - they were adopted by teacher and Strange Fruit author Abel Meeropol and his wife - have fought for decades for their parents' exoneration. Robert founded the Rosenberg Fund for Children, which supports children of targeted activists in the U.S.; one of his daughters now runs the Fund, and another is a lawyer at the Center for Constitutional Rights. ...

Read the full piece here.

Last modified 

October 1, 2015