Abu Ghraib Torture Survivors Appeal Disissal of Lawsuit Against CACI Interrogators

September 23, 2015

Iraqis tortured and abused at the Abu Ghraib prison appealed the dismissal of their claims against contractors from CACI International, Inc.

Over the past seven years, the civil tort case has wound its way through federal courts, as it has been amended, appealed, dismissed and then re-instated.

Most recently, on June 24, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia dismissed the case after concluding the “political question doctrine” protected CACI contractors.

Zachery Morris of the Center for Constitutional Rights, which has argued the lawsuit on behalf of the Iraqis who suffered torture, explained, “The political question doctrine arises out of the separation of powers, holding that courts are only able to decide legal questions, while purely political questions are the responsibility of other branches of government.” ...

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Last modified 

September 30, 2015