Nearly a Year Later, Fallout From Salaita Case Lingers on Campuses

July 6, 2015
Chronicle of Higher Education

Nearly a year has passed since the firing heard around the world.

Steven G. Salaita, whose job offer was revoked last summer by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign following a series of inflammatory tweets, has finally secured a position, at the American University of Beirut. But his legal case against the university continues, as does the broader debate about academic freedom and social media.

Scholars who have followed Mr. Salaita’s case say that while he is certainly not the first professor to come under fire for comments on social media, the intense scrutiny his situation has received is influencing how academics and colleges think about those issues, for better and worse. ...

Read the full piece here.

Last modified 

July 8, 2015