Guantánamo prisoner claims undisclosed episodes of CIA waterboarding, other torture

June 2, 2015
Miami Herald

A U.S.-educated captive at Guantánamo who has pleaded guilty to being an al-Qaida money courier has told his attorneys he was twice waterboarded by CIA agents, something not previously disclosed, according to his lawyers in a release Tuesday of once-censored torture allegations.

The attorneys for Majid Khan, 35, and awaiting sentencing next year at Guantánamo, also said the 1999 Maryland high school graduate spent much of his 2003-06 CIA captivity in solitary confinement and was kept in “total darkness” through much of the first year, denied sunlight.

The CIA denied the new waterboarding claim issued by the Center for Constitutional Rights in New York City, first released Tuesday morning to the Reuters news agency and then more widely to the general public with a call for the dismissal of CIA Director John Brennan.

Read the full piece here.

Last modified 

June 3, 2015