Deep Violence, Anti-Palestine Repression, and the Work of Consciousness


Add to My Calendar Thursday, December 14, 2023 2:00pm


Join Scholars for Social Justice on Thursday, December 14, from 2 - 3:30 p.m. for a virtual conversation between scholar-activists and movement-builders. As we continue to stand with the movement for a free Palestine in the face of settler colonialism, empire, genocide, and the wars of the Israeli and American states, we gather to talk about how we safeguard our consciousness and how we organize in community. 

Center for Constitutional Rights Senior Staff Attorney Diala Shamas will join panelists Fred Moten, Loubna Qutami, and Kris Manjapra. In the midst of the long history of coordinated anti-Palestine repression, this event serves to expand the space for imagining and enacting liberatory responses to deep violence and to the intensifying maneuvers to destroy life, command land and labor, impose carcerality, and suppress resistance.

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White background with red, green, and black curved stripes in the upper and lower right corners. Deep Violence, Anti-Palestine Repression, and the Work of Consciousness. Join us for this conversation between scholar-activists and movement-builders, Fred Moten, Diala Shamas, Loubna Qatami, and Kris Manjapra. As we continue to stand with the movement for a Free Palestine in the face of settler colonialism, empire, genocide, and the wars of the Israeli and American states, we gather to talk about how we safeguard our consciousness, and how we organize in community. In the midst of the long history of coordinated anti-Palestine repression, this event serves to expand the space for imagining and enacting liberatory responses to deep violence, and to the intensifying maneuvers to destroy life, command land and labor, impose carcerality, and suppress resistance. Thursday, December 14th 2:00 p.m. ET - 3:00 p.m. ET. Headshots of Fred Moten, Diala Shamas, Loubna Qutami, and Kris Mangapra.


Last modified 

December 12, 2023