Left Forum Panel with CCR's Maria LaHood: Deadly Economies: Israel’s Role in Worldwide Repression


Add to My Calendar Sunday, June 9, 2013 12:00am


You must be register for the Left Forum to attend this panel. For more information about the Left Forum see http://www.leftforum.org Moderator: Sara Kershnar is a co-founder of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network. Sara began her Palestinian solidarity work during the second intifada. Sara is also a co-founder of Generation FIVE, an organization working on transformative justice approaches to addressing child sexual abuse. After her father tested positive for HIV, Sara began her organizing and social justice work in the harm reduction and HIV movements. Speakers: Maria LaHood is a Senior Staff Attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), which she joined in 2003. She specializes in international human rights litigation, seeking to hold government officials and corporations accountable for torture, extrajudicial killings, and war crimes abroad. Kali Akuno is an organizer with the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, educator, and writer. Toby Kramer is an organizer with the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network and a member of the international campaign to Stop the JNF. Lee Gargagliano is an international organizer with IJAN who just returned from presenting this workshop at the World Social Forum Free Palestine in Porto Alegre, Brazil and at the World Social Forum in Tunis, Tunisia. Lamis Deek, an attorney and human rights advocate specializing in defending Arab & Muslim community members, activists and organizers against governmental attack. Lamis is a long time member of Al-Awda NY: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, the Arab Muslim American Federation, and the National Lawyers Guild. She is co-founder of the US Palestine Community Network. Panel description: Our movements across the globe– in solidarity with Palestine, against war, poverty, colonialism, imperialism, repression and an unjust globalized economy, and for more equitable societies – need to take into account the very real ways the Israeli government and corporations, often in collaboration with the U.S., contributes to the violence and repression targeting us. Since the founding of the state, Israel has collaborated with many of the most repressive regimes across continents: arming and training the apartheid regimes of Southern Africa, colonial and neo-colonial regimes in the Middle East, dictators in Central and South America and police forces in the U.S. Through the ongoing colonization of Palestine, military dominance in the region and accompanying atrocities, Israel has developed great expertise in repression, and exporting these tools and methods on an industrial scale has become crucial to Israeli economic and political power. By focusing in Israel, this panel explores the interconnected economies of perpetual war, state repression, militarized borders and surveillance of peoples’ movements and communities. This panel also highlights current a Popular Tribunal Initiative which is exposing the Israel’s role in fostering state repression around the world. The tribunals bring together activists from popular movements in various regions most impacted by Israel’s historic and current role in repression. Testimonies have already been collected in Brazil and Tunis.

Last modified 

June 3, 2013