Resisting State Repression with Hatem Abudayyeh


Add to My Calendar Saturday, May 21, 2011 12:00am


Please join the NY Committee to Stop FBI Repression, Al-Awda NY, and DRUM for this important event.
When: Saturday May 21st
Where: 56 Walker St. in lower Manhattan- Any train to Canal St., two blocks south, between Broadway and Church.


Confronting Police and FBI Repression of Communities of Color & Oppressed Nationalities

Time: 7pm
Hatem Abudayyeh, a Palestinian human rights activist, will speak about government
repression against Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims in the US. Hatem’s home was
raided by the FBI last fall, where he was served a Grand Jury subpoena along with 23
other anti-war, international solidarity, and Palestinian community activists.
A speaker from Desis Rising Up and Moving (DRUM) will talk about the impact of local
and federal law enforcement misconduct on South Asian, Arab, and Muslim
communities in New York.
CCR attorney Shayana Kadidal will give a legal update on the scope of Material
Support Laws in the wake of the June 2010 Supreme Court decision, Humanitarian
Law Project vs. Holder.
This event is sponsored by: NY Committee to Stop FBI Repression, Al-Awda NY, DRUM

Last modified 

May 18, 2011