The Human Rights Reshaping of International Regimes-- New York


Add to My Calendar Friday, November 19, 2010 12:00am



The Human Rights Institute, FIAN International, the International Network for Economic, Social, & Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net), & Rights & Democracy Cordially invite you to…
The Human Rights Reshaping of International Regimes
Friday, November 19| 6:00 -8:00 pm Jerome Greene Hall Case Lounge (Room 701)435 W 116thStreet
Since 2007, a consortium of some 50 human rights-related NGOs, universities and institution-based individuals has been established to explore and strengthen the idea of "extraterritorial human rights obligations," that is, the obligation of States to comply with their human rights obligations insofar as their actions or omissions have an impact on the human rights of individuals and populations outside their national territory.
At this unique event, well-known human rights experts and activists will confront their views as to how far this revolution in human rights thinking may go. They will examine its consequences in various fields, ranging from trade and investment to climate change and international financial regulation, and ask what these fields would look like, were they reshaped to contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights.
Keynote address:
Professor Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteuron the Right to Food
  • Marcos Orellana, Center for International Environmental Law Human Rights Regulation of Climate Change, Toxic Substances and the Environment
  • Professor RadhikaBalakrishnan, Center for Women’s Global Leadership, Human Rights Regulation of the Financial Sector
  • Katie Gallagher, Center for Constitutional Rights
  • Chairperson:Professor Peter Rosenblum, Lieff, Cabraser, Heimann& BersteinClinical Professor in Human Rights Law

Last modified 

November 16, 2010