Counter-terrorism in the Age of Obama- featuring CCR International Human Rights Attorney Katherine Gallagher- NYC


Add to My Calendar Wednesday, March 24, 2010 12:00am





Surveillance on U.S. citizens, extraordinary renditions and torture in U.S. detention facilities...

For the last decade, litigators have faced serious hurdles to challenging these practices in U.S. courts, including invocation of the state secrets privilege, immunity provisions and expanded executive powers. As the Obama administration enters its second year, has the government changed course? Or do litigators face the same, recalcitrant challenges as under the Bush administration.

The Human Rights Institute is pleased to present an evening panel with leading counterterrorism litigators. Panelist will discuss the evolution of their work on cases of national importance.


  • Katherine Gallagher, Staff Attorney, Center for Constitutional Rights
  • Bahar Azmy, Professor of Law, Seton Hall University
  • Steven Watt, Senior Staff Attorney, American Civil Liberties Union Human Rights Program

The panel will be from 5- 6:30 p.m. with a reception to follow.


*Part of Columbia Universities Counterterrorism in the Age of Obama Speakers Series

Last modified 

March 17, 2010