Guantánamo Bay Has Shattered the Illusion of a 'Fair' Justice System

June 7, 2024
Current Affairs

...That lack of attention makes it easy to forget that more than two decades after its establishment as a detention camp for suspects in the War on Terror, 30 men are still being held at Guantánamo without having ever been put on trial. 

Many of the families of Guantánamo inmates have spent the last two decades tirelessly advocating for their release. Sanad al-Kazimi, from Yemen, was abducted by the United Arab Emirates and transferred into U.S. custody in  2003 and was subjected to every kind of torture you can imagine. But he was never put on trial for his alleged involvement with Al-Qaeda. He has not seen his youngest son since before the child’s second birthday and has never met his four grandchildren. Despite being cleared for release for close to three years, he has still not been released. According to a report from the Center for Constitutional Rights: 

His wife and his children, now adults, have worked hard to maintain contact with Sanad despite challenges due to the civil war in Yemen. As his son has expressed it: “Oh how I wish to put your hand in my hand and walk together. I wish we could live as any happy family in any happy place.” ...

Read the full piece here

Last modified 

June 7, 2024