LGBTQ+ activists sue Florida over ‘relentless’ trans bathroom ban

October 5, 2023
The Pink News

...Trans woman and member of the organisation Women in Struggle, Melinda Butterfield, said that the protest is “long overdue” and that the order would allow it to go ahead without fear of prosecution.

She reportedly plans to fly to the state on 2 October where she will spend the week helping to prepare for the march. During that time, she will have to use the women’s bathrooms, risking arrest, but is scared to do so for fear of being confronted for simply using public facilities.

“The State of Florida believes it can eradicate the lives and identities of trans, gender nonconforming, intersex, and queer people through numerous pieces of legislation,” attorney for the Center for Constitutional Rights, Zee Scout, said in a statement.

“This law is an unconstitutional reaction to the growing acceptance of these communities" ...

Read the full piece here.

Last modified 

October 5, 2023