Queens lawmakers push controversial bill banning NY charities from supporting Israeli organizations in West Bank settlements

September 8, 2023
LIC Post

"[A]lso in attendance...was Diala Shamas, a senior staff attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights, a Manhattan-based nonprofit legal advocacy organization.

Shamas outlined to participants how the bill clarifies existing laws on the books banning charities from funding illegal activities abroad.

“So as a matter of law, this bill is frankly basic, it is uncontroversial, it is the bare minimum,” Shamas said. “This campaign should not exist; we shouldn’t have to have a bill that clarifies that war crimes are not charitable. We shouldn’t be thinking about ways to direct the attorney general to do her job. But unfortunately, this campaign is necessary and that is why we are here.” ...

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Last modified 

September 8, 2023