A lawsuit brought on behalf of three journalists against the City of St. Paul, the City of Minneapolis, Ramsey County, and multiple law enforcement officers to challenge the targeting by law...
Updated: October 7, 2011
Kunstler v. City of New York was a multi-plaintiff federal lawsuit filed by the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) against the New York Police Department (NYPD) on behalf of protesters who were...
Updated: August 26, 2011
CCR is providing legal support and criminal defense to the protesters who engaged in civil disobedience (CD) as part of the New Sanctuary Movement’s (NSM) on-going campaign around immigrant...
Updated: March 19, 2010
Camilo E. Mejia is a former staff sergeant with the Florida National Guard who, in 2004, after over eight years of military service and a five-month tour in ar-Ramadi in southern Iraq, became the...
Updated: March 8, 2010
Kevin Olliff is an animal rights activist who was arrested April 18, 2009 on three year-old protest charges and, soon after, had 10 felony counts added to his charges: multiple counts of: stalking,...
Updated: February 17, 2010
Bandele v. City of New York was a federal civil rights lawsuit brought against the City of New York and three NYPD officers in 2007. It charges that the defendants falsely arrested and imprisoned the...
Updated: January 20, 2010
Bari v. Held is a lawsuit that charged the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), former FBI agent-in-charge Richard Held, and the Oakland Police Department with violating Judi Bari and Darryl...
Updated: January 13, 2010
In 2007, the CCR filed a lawsuit against the City of Pittsburgh and various City Police officers alleging that the Pittsburgh police unconstitutionally used TASERS against peaceful demonstrators at...
Updated: November 17, 2009
This case, Seeds of Peace v. City of Pittsburgh , USDC W.D. PA, was filed on behalf of activists harassed by the police in the days before the G20 summit in Pittsburgh. It is related to the Codepink...
Updated: September 28, 2009
The Center for Constitutional Rights and the public interest organization Public Good joined together to submit an amicus brief in support of the Petition for Writ of Certiorari in this case. The...
Updated: August 10, 2009