Lower court found “plausible” case of genocide, dismissed suit on jurisdictional grounds; starvation rampant as Israel prepares Rafah attack March 8, 2024, San Francisco, CA – Palestinian human...
March 7, 2024, New York – In response to the governor of New York’s announcement of a five-point “subway safety” plan, the Center for Constitutional Rights issued the following statement: The Center...
February 29, 2024, New York – In advance of the launch of a mass mobilization by the Poor People’s Campaign on March 2, the Center for Constitutional Rights issued the following statement: The Center...
Lower Court Declared Israeli Assault Plausible Case of Genocide Against Palestinians in Gaza; Meanwhile Mass Starvation Increases February 28, 2024, San Francisco, CA – Late yesterday, the Ninth...
February 23, 2024, Washington, D.C. – This morning, Van Der Hout LLP, National Immigration Project , Center for Constitutional Rights , American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and Muslim...
Recent calls to weaponize terrorism laws against Palestinian rights activists part of decades-long push February 21, 2024, New York – Opposition to Palestinian rights has shaped U.S. federal anti-...
Case could have national implications for movement against death by incarceration February 16, 2023, Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has agreed to hear a landmark case brought by a...
February 6, 2024, New York and Birmingham, Alabama – In support of the Free Alabama Movement (FAM) and incarcerated people in Alabama’s mass prison strike today, the Center for Constitutional Rights...
Majid Khan Faces Hurdles to Independence February 1, 2024, New York – In advance of the one-year anniversary of Majid Khan’s resettlement in Belize, his attorneys released the following statement:...
While Dismissing Case on Jurisdictional Grounds, U.S. Judge “Implores” Biden Administration to Stop its “Unflagging Support” for Israel’s Ongoing Siege of the Palestinian People in Gaza January 31,...