Response to lawsuit by Palestinians comes as United Nations marks 75th anniversary of the Genocide Convention December 9, 2023, New York – After the U.S. government’s response late yesterday in the...
Leading genocide and Holocaust experts back request for preliminary injunction to prevent “irreparable harm” to plaintiffs; Palestinians in Gaza submit new declarations as well November 16, 2023, San...
Leading Genocide and Holocaust Experts Submit Declarations in Support of Federal Case November 13, 2023, San Francisco – Today, Palestinians asked a federal court to enjoin President Biden, Secretary...
October 18, 2023, Geneva, Switzerland – Today, members of U.S. Civil Society turned their backs in silent protest of the U.S. delegation during the closing remarks given by U.S. Ambassador Michele...
Center for Constitutional Rights is accompanying three delegations, joining dozens of U.S. civil society orgs in calling for accountability October 12, 2023, Geneva – For the first time in nine years...
International Indifference to 16 years of a Suffocating Closure of the Gaza Strip and Decades of Israeli Impunity for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity Against Palestinians Is Necessary Context...
October 6, 2023, New York – In advance of Monday’s holiday, the Center for Constitutional Rights issued the following statement: From our offices on Lenape territory in lower Manhattan , we stand in...
Settlement preserves landmark 2018 verdict; ex-president and defense minister to compensate families of people killed by military [ En Español Abajo] September 28, 2023 – Bolivia’s former president...
U.S. responsible for thousands of Afghans who face arbitrary detention, brutal treatment, legal limbo August 30, 2023, New York – Today, two years after the U.S. government ended its 20-year war in...
Nearly 20 years after torture scandal broke, Iraqis continue fight for justice; 15-year quest for day in court one step closer to trial August 1, 2023, Alexandria, VA – A federal judge has rejected...