Yemen drone strike lawsuit forces US to face non-western 'war on terror' victims

June 8, 2015
The Guardian

If Barack Obama can publicly apologize for the accidental killings of two al-Qaida hostages – one American and one Italian – by a US drone strike, the White House should extend the same courtesy to a pair of Yemeni civilians killed by US Hellfire missiles.

That is the hope of the wrongful death lawsuit filed late on Sunday by the families of Salem bin Ali Jaber and Waleed bin Ali Jaber, two men killed by a US drone strike in August 2012 in the eastern Yemeni village of Khashamir. And although it’s unclear if the case will even be heard, human rights groups who have long criticized the use of armed and unmanned aircrafts for counterterrorism operations believe the families of the two victims were left with no other option but to sue. ...

Read the full piece here.

Last modified 

June 10, 2015