These Are the 6 US Prisons That May Soon House Guantanamo Detainees

August 26, 2015

In the coming weeks, the White House is expected to send Congress a final plan to "safely and responsibly" move dozens of detainees held in Guantanamo Bay to military and, possibly, federal prisons in the United States.

The move is part of President Barack Obama's pledge to shutter the 13-year-old detention facility, located on a remote part of the US Naval base in Cuba, before he leaves office. (The closing of Guantanamo would in some ways be symbolic; in 2011, Obama signed an executive order that made indefinite detention the law of the land.) Already, the plan has been met by fierce opposition by Republican lawmakers in Kansas and South Carolina, two states that are in the running to house detainees at military prisons located at Fort Leavenworth and the Naval Consolidated Brig in Charleston. ...

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Last modified 

August 27, 2015