There Has Been Absolutely No Movement on Guantánamo

January 30, 2018

Janine Jackson: January 11 marked 16 years since the opening of the military prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, specifically designed to be beyond the reach of US law and away from public view, holding only Muslim men and boys, many without charge or trial. Guantánamo is a monument to the lawlessness and cruelty of the US after September 11, 2001, throwing over civil rights and liberties under the pretense of defending the country from those who "hate us for" them.

For as long as it's been open, activists, attorneys and others have been refusing to forget Guantánamo and the people imprisoned there. With 41 men remaining, there is a new effort to challenge their continued detention -- now, for many, under its third presidency. The filing, in Washington, DC, federal court, is on behalf of 11 of the remaining prisoners.

Our next guest is part of the legal team behind it. Pardiss Kebriaei is senior staff attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights. She joins us now by phone, from here in town. Welcome back to CounterSpin, Pardiss Kebriaei. ...

Listen to or read the full interview here.

Last modified 

February 5, 2018