Supreme Court’s ruling on 'vague' Trump travel ban may spur bias, New York immigration advocates fear

June 26, 2017
NY Daily News

Advocates for immigrants in New York expressed dismay Monday at the Supreme Court’s order implementing parts of President Trump’s travel ban, saying it would sow discrimination against Muslims and chaos at airports.

Confusion abounded about exactly how travelers from six Muslim-majority nations could prove a “bona fide relationship” with a person or entity in the U.S., exempting them from the ban.

Ibraham al-Qatabi, 37, a legal worker for the Center for Constitutional Rights, said he’d received calls from Yemeni families panicking about the ban going into effect.

“The law is vague, and I don’t think it’s justified,” Qatabi said, adding it will “give the government a blank check to discriminate against people from those countries as much as they want.”

Read the full piece here

Last modified 

June 28, 2017