Palestinian advocates seeking genocide ruling dismiss Biden’s response, cite Reagan precedent

December 28, 2023
San Francisco Chronicle

...The Center for Constitutional Rights filed the original suit Nov. 13 on behalf of human-rights groups along with Palestinians and Americans whose relatives have been killed by Israeli troops. The most recent filing, on Friday night, responded to the Justice Department’s arguments Dec. 8 that the suit was legally baseless and should be dismissed...

In the latest filing, al Haq, a human-rights group that is a plaintiff in the suit, said Ahmed Abofoul, its advocacy officer in Gaza, has lost more than 60 members of his extended family to Israeli attacks. A plaintiff identified as A.N., who lives in the U.S., says his mother in Gaza has been living on boiled seawater for 70 days and has been prevented by Israel from going to the hospital. And plaintiff Omar Al-Najjar, a physician in Gaza, said children who come to the hospital where he lives and works suffer from severe dehydration and malnutrition...

But in Friday’s filing, the plaintiffs’ lawyers said the administration’s argument “borders on the absurd.” Among other things, they said, all 22,000 bombs that Israel dropped on Gaza in the first six weeks were supplied by the United States...

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Last modified 

December 28, 2023