The Palestine Exception to the First Amendment

October 14, 2015

On September 27, 2015, Cheryl Davila addressed the US Campaign to End Israeli Occupation's Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. After receiving a standing ovation, she told those gathered that she "had faced backlash and was proud of it." Davila affirmed to the crowd that she was ready to continue fighting for Boycotts, Divestments, and Sanctions (BDS) aimed at making Israel recognize the basic human rights of the Palestinian people.

As Davila explained to the assembled citizens of Berkeley, at times tearfully, City Council Councilman Darryl Moore had told her to withdraw the resolution or lose her spot on the commission. She chose the later and was informed when she arrived for the commission meetingthat she had been fired. Speaking now as a member of the public, she explained how she was inspired to pursue the resolution because "The Israeli bombardment [of Gaza] was a disgraceful human rights violation that has caused a severe social welfare crisis, particularly for children, women, and the elderly in Gaza." ...

Read the full piece here.

Last modified 

October 15, 2015