Over 500 New Yorkers protest Israeli violence, endorse legislation to end state support of settlements

July 26, 2023

"A 2015 Haaretz investigation found that over 50 U.S.-based tax-exempt nonprofits funded illegal West Bank settlements with more than $220 million over a four-year period. “Thanks to their status as nonprofits, these organizations are not taxed on their income and donations made to them are tax deductible – meaning the U.S. government is incentivizing and indirectly supporting the Israeli settlement movement, even though it has been consistently opposed by every U.S. administration for the past 48 years,” the paper explains.

“It is unreasonable to think you can fundraise here in New York to expel Palestinians from their homes without being held accountable under the law,” Center for Constitutional Rights senior staff attorney Diala Shamas told the crowd."

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Last modified 

July 26, 2023