Monitor: NYPD Cops Not Reporting Some Stops

July 9, 2015
Associated Press

The federal monitor overseeing changes to the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk policy said Thursday the reform effort is moving in a positive direction, but some officers now avoid making or documenting stops, possibly because they fear legal and departmental reproach.


A federal judge ordered changes in 2013 after a class-action civil rights trial in which black and Hispanic men said they had been unfairly targeted by police because of their race. 


Jen Nessel, a spokeswoman with the Center for Constitutional Rights, said the findings are a reminder that the reform process is a work in progress.

“This is no mission-accomplished moment,” Nessel told WCBS 880’s Marla Diamond. “There’s a great deal of work to be done given the broad range of reforms identified by the court as necessary to rectify years of unconstitutional and discriminatory policing.”

Read the full piece here.

Last modified 

July 10, 2015