March against White Supremacy gets closer to DC

September 4, 2017

CENTREVILLE, VA (WUSA9) - Singing, chanting and drum beats are the sounds coming from a few hundred people marching from Charlottesville to Washington, D.C.   

That’s a 120-mile trip. By car, it’s an easy two-and-half-hour drive. By foot, this group has planned for 10 days.

“I’m from Charlottesville. I’m marching today for Heather Heyer who was murdered by a White Supremacist in our town,” said Emily Goff.

Heyer was run over during August 12’s deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, which saw the KKK and Nazis marching through the progressive college town.

The marchers are a multi-racial coalition of religious, college, and community activists moved to action by President Trump’s response that “many sides” were to blame and “fine people” were to be found on both sides of the Charlottesville violence.    

“I watched Nazis and White Supremacists march through my hometown,” said Ben Dorenberg. “We just can’t accept that White Supremacy is going to be part of our country for the next 300 years. Clearly, this tone has come from the top. It comes from Donald Trump.”

They want President Trump to be impeached and removed from office. 

Read the full piece and watch the video here

Last modified 

September 6, 2017