Florida's transgender bathroom ban challenged in court by group of activists ahead of march

October 8, 2023

...A group of transgender and nonbinary activists on Friday asked a federal judge in Florida to grant a temporary restraining order permitting them to use bathrooms aligned with their gender identity while they attend a march in support of trans youth in the state.

The group, represented by the Center for Constitutional Rights, is also asking the judge to declare the Facility Requirement Based on Sex law unconstitutional. 

One plaintiff, Melinda Butterfield, 52, is a trans woman traveling to Orlando from NYC. She had few kinds words for DeSantis and the recent slew of anti-LGBTQ+ bills signed into law in the state.

“A protest like this is long overdue,” Butterfield said in a statement. “The divide-and-conquer measures of Ron DeSantis, the Florida legislature, and their wealthy backers are echoed in states across the country: banning gender-affirming healthcare, suppressing free speech for queer students and teachers, throttling Pride celebrations and drag performances, banning trans people from using restrooms, and threatening to kidnap trans youth from supportive parents.” ...

Read the full piece here

Last modified 

October 8, 2023