Federal monitor: NYPD is not reporting all stop and frisk cases

June 1, 2022

...The quarterly report, issued by Mylan L. Denerstein, an attorney with Gibson, Dunn and Crutcher, is periodically required to assess whether the NYPD is practicing constitutional policing. Court oversight arose from three cases, Floyd v. City of New York; Davis v. City of New York; and Ligon v. City of New York; after a federal district court found that the NYPD had violated the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments.

Baher Azmy, the Legal Director at the Center for Constitutional Rights, said the overall drop in stops each year reveals that the city has departed from the practices followed during the administration under former Mayor Michael Bloomberg. The director pointed out that out of the 3,008 recorded NYPD stops during the fourth quarter of 2021, 88% were of Black and Latinx people.

“So that strikes as one of the most significant developments, and gives lie to the idea that this intentional system of targeting Black and brown people was ever really about bona fide law enforcement,” said Azmy. “But what persists is both an under-reporting of stop and frisks by police officers and a persistence in racial disparities.” ...

Read the full piece here.

Last modified 

June 8, 2022