Activists, legal figures discuss racial tensions in the U.S.

September 23, 2015
Washington Square News

In an effort to spark a more productive and powerful discussion about racial justice, the NYU School of Law hosted activists and academics for a panel discussion that questioned the larger implications of violence in the United States.

The panel, titled “The Black Lives Matter Movement, Racial Inequality and Human Rights in the United States,” was put together by the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice. Prominent figures in the human rights community spoke, including Executive Director of Amnesty International USA Steve Hawkins, who attended NYU Law.

Other speakers included UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination member Gay J. McDougall, Community Justice Project member Meena Jagannath and Executive Director of the Center for Constitutional Rights Vince Warren. ...

Read the full piece here.

Last modified 

September 30, 2015