
March 13, 2018
In Louisiana, newly disclosed documents reveal a state intelligence agency regularly spied on activists opposing construction of the Bayou Bridge pipeline, which would carry nearly a half-million...
Noor Zafar on Al Jazeera
January 26, 2018
CCR's Noor Zafar talks to Al Jazeera about the White House's proposed immigration bill. Trouble seeing the video? Watch it here.
Dima Khalidi on DemocracyNow!
January 4, 2018
In a case that highlights what some are calling the “Palestine exception” to free speech on college campuses across the nation, DemocracyNow! looks at students who are suing Fordham University’s...
December 27, 2017
Democracy Now! speaks with Judge Shira Scheindlin, former United States district judge for the Southern District of New York, about her role CCR's case Floyd v. City of New York , which found the...
Stephanie Llanes on the Real News
December 1, 2017
Trouble seeing the video? Watch on YouTube here .
November 1, 2017
With the world watching with much interest the FBI's investigation into possible collusion between the Trump presidential campaign and Russia, other issues dogging this administration have somewhat...
Shayana Kadidal on Democracy Now!
November 2, 2017
After Sayfullo Saipov reportedly drove a rented Home Depot truck down a bike path along Manhattan’s Hudson River, killing multiple people before crashing into a school bus, President Trump called for...
October 25, 2017
The growing number of anti-BDS laws across the U.S. should be seen "in the larger context of this very well-resourced effort to shut down the entire grassroots movement for Palestinian rights," says...
AJ+ on the use of private mercenaries in U.S. wars
October 22, 2017
Conflict has become big business, and nations are paying mercenaries millions to be their boots on the ground. Trouble seeing the video? Watch on YouTube here .
Baher Azmy on Democracy Now!
October 19, 2017
President Trump’s latest attempt to bar some citizens of eight Muslim majority countries from entering the U.S. suffers a second defeat, as another federal judge rules that the latest policy is...


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April 9, 2015