Resisting Attacks on Palestinian Human Rights Activists


Add to My Calendar Tuesday, February 15, 2022 8:00pm to 9:00pm


On Tuesday, February 15, join CODEPINK Congress & Massachusetts Peace Action for the second event in their Special Series on Foreign Policy! 

Meet Palestinian human rights activists who refuse to be silenced, despite an intense crackdown on advocates for Palestinian human rights. In the U.S., the Israel lobby has vilified educators, targeting Palestinian human rights advocates with enemy lists and demanding they be fired. Abroad, Israel has outlawed six prominent NGOs for advocating for Palestinian rights, labeling them terrorist organizations. Learn about the work of Palestine Legal, the Center for Constitutional Rights, Against Canary Mission, and the U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel—and take action in solidarity with those resisting the crackdown.

Featured Guests:

Diala Shamas is a Staff Attorney for the Center for Constitutional Rights. Born in East Jerusalem, Shamas challenges government abuses perpetrated under the guise of national security, both in the U.S. and abroad.

Amal Thabateh is the Michael Ratner Justice Fellow at Palestine Legal, where she challenges the censorship and surveillance of advocates for Palestinian liberation.

Brad Parker is a Senior Policy Advisor at Defense for Children International, where he advocates for Palestinian children's rights and an end to Israel's torture of child prisoners. Defense for Children International is one of six NGOs banned from Israel for its objections to child detentions in the occupied territories.

Cynthia Franklin is a professor, author and Member of the Organizing Collective of the U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel. She is also an activist with Against Canary Mission & Jewish Voice for Peace.

RSVP for the event here

Last modified 

February 22, 2022