Rally: Abolish Solitary Confinement in Pennsylvania's Prisons


Add to My Calendar Monday, September 17, 2012 12:00am


CCR is co-sponsoring rally on September 17, 2012 at 5pm by the Human Rights Coalition to abolish Solitary Confinement in Pennsylvania prisons.

Multiple studies confirm that solitary confinement is emotionally, physically and psychologically destructive and greatly reduces a prisoner's chances at successful reintegration into society. Solitary confinement targets prisoners of color most severely, reinforcing oppressive and unconscionable patterns of racism. It is extensively used to retaliate against those who file lawsuits or speak out against violations of their human and constitutional rights.

At least 80,000 prisoners today are held in solitary confinement in the U.S., at least 2,500 of them in Pennsylvania state prisons. Most have little or no access to mental health care, and are forced to live in conditions that increase the likelihood of self-harm, suicide, and violence towards others.

The practice of solitary confinement is widespread, is significantly more expensive than regular prison housing, and our prisons' reliance on it as a means of intimidation and repression is causing tens of thousands of people in this country to suffer in torturous conditions for months, years, and decades at a time.

This practice can and must be stopped. No other country in the world uses solitary confinement to the extent the U.S. does, and other states have already taken steps to reduce their use of solitary.

Last modified 

September 14, 2012