Haiti: Law in the Time of Cholera- UN Peacekeeping, Cholera and Human Rights


Add to My Calendar Monday, April 9, 2012 12:00am





Haiti: Law in the Time of Cholera
UN Peacekeeping, Cholera and Human Rights
A Discussion – Monday, April 9th, 1pm – 2.45pm
(A light lunch will be served / Please RSVP to [email protected] by April 5th)
Venue: Church Centre for the UN, 777 UN Plaza (1st Avenue/44th Street), 2nd floor
Haitians are still struggling to recover from the earthquake that wrecked the island two years ago, but longer-term problems loom large. The UN's peacekeeping force, MINUSTAH, deployed in Haiti since 2004, has an increasingly tarnished record. Negligently treated wastes from UN peacekeepers introduced cholera into Haiti, triggering an epidemic that has infected half a million Haitians and killed more than 7,000 since October 2010. Several cases of sexual abuses by peacekeepers have also come to light. Equally troubling is the highly politicized nature of the UN mission, and its inappropriate use of armed force.
Haitians have taken to the streets to call for an end to the peacekeeping mission. Human rights organizations are demanding accountability, and some 5,000 cholera victims have submitted a petition to the UN demanding compensation.
This event aims to inform the UN community about the cholera epidemic in Haiti and to reflect on the broader role of the UN peacekeeping force. It will open with a screening of a short documentary on the cholera case. A light lunch will be served.
Abby Goldberg
New Media Advocacy Project
Mario Joseph
Bureau des Avocats Internationaux (Haiti)
Dr. Evan Lyon
Organizers: Global Policy Forum, Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti
Co-sponsors: Center for Constitutional Rights, International Association of Democratic Lawyers, Mennonite Central Committee, Presbyterian Ministry at the UN, United Methodist Women
Please RSVP to [email protected] or 212-557-3161 by Friday, April 5th  

Last modified 

April 2, 2012