GTMO Student Action


Add to My Calendar Tuesday, December 4, 2007 12:00am


Tuesday, December 4, 2007: National Demonstrations for Justice at Guantanamo

On December 5th, the Supreme Court will hear arguments for the cases of Boumediene v. Bush and Al Odah v. U.S., brought on behalf of men imprisoned for over five years at Guantánamo Bay and deprived of any meaningful court review. What is at stake is the fundamental right to habeas corpus; to challenge the lawfulness of detention without charges or trial. This will mark the third time in three years that the Court will hear a Guantanamo-related case. Because of this case’s historic importance, the Supreme Court will release the audio transcript for the oral argument online immediately after the arguments at 10:00 a.m. on Dec. 5th. The audio file will be downloadable at

Students on campuses across the country are coming together on December 4th to channel attention to this important case on December 5th. We encourage you to organize a local event on your campus (more details below). If you are in the D.C., New York, or Boston area, please join us in one of the peaceful demonstrations below. Help us spread the word by forwarding this email and encouraging others to join in.

Boston: On Harvard's campus The Harvard College Human Rights Advocates, the Harvard Law Student Advocates for Human Rights, and the Harvard College Democrats will host an all day event and distribute "Habeas Now!" stickers on campus for students to show their solidarity. There will be a kidnapping and detention demonstration in Harvard Yard outside the Science Center at 11:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., and 1:00 p.m. Contact Nina at [email protected] for more details.

New York City: From 12:00pm-1:00pm at Foley Square in front of the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, students and community groups will hold a demonstration. Participants will wear jumpsuits or orange bands for solidarity, hold signs, and distribute educational material. This event is co-sponsored by the Center for Constitutional Rights, the National Lawyers Guild, and Witness Against Torture. Contact Elena at [email protected] for more details.

Washington, D.C.: At 10:00am students wearing orange jumpsuits will gather in front of the D.C. Circuit Court at 333 Constitution Avenue for a demonstration. Students will wear jumpsuits or orange bands for solidarity, hold signs, and distribute educational material. Contact Rahul at [email protected] for more details.

Remember to look out for photos from these events on the on the Harvard anti-torture and the Witness Against Torture websites.

If you cannot make it to any of those events and would like to organize your own event on campus, you can:
  • Ask people to wear orange/an orange armband or ribbon in solidarity.
  • Flyer on campus to advertise your event (see template below).

  • Alert your campus newspaper.
  • Pass out the “Take Action” postcard below. Spread the word to your campus and community by asking people to sign a petition to shut down Guantanamo, and send a copy of the Constitution to the White House to remind the President to uphold his duty to protect, not destroy, the Constitution.
  • Tell people to listen to the oral argument on December 5th, or host an event on campus to listen to the argument (downloadable from CCR's website).

  • Take photos of your event and email them, along with a short description of how your event went, to [email protected]. We'll post your photos on the Harvard anti-torture website and link to them here.


Last modified 

November 29, 2007