Gaza and the Crime of Genocide: Legal and Political Dimensions of Accountability


Add to My Calendar Thursday, January 18, 2024 10:00am to 11:30am


Join Arab Center Washington DC on Thursday, January 18, from 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. ET, for a virtual panel discussion. Allegations of genocide by Israel against the Palestinian people in Gaza took a significant legal step forward when South Africa, a party to the Genocide Convention, recently took legal action against Israel at the International Court of Justice. This panel will discuss the legal and political issues surrounding the crime of genocide and Israel’s war on Gaza, and shed light on legal definitions and avenues for accountability, as well as the political prospects and ramifications of failing to act, within the genocide framework.


Yousef Munayyer, Head of Palestine/Israel Program And Senior Fellow, Arab Center Washington DC


Maria Lahood, Deputy Legal Director, Center for Constitutional Rights

Noura Erakat, Associate Professor of Africana Studies and the Program of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University

Michael N. Barnett, Professor of International Affairs and Political Science, Elliot School of International Affairs, George Washington University

Phyllis Bennis, Director, The New Internationalism Project, Institute for Policy Studies

Raz Segal, Associate Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies and Endowed Professor in The Study Of Modern Genocide, Stockton University


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Last modified 

January 16, 2024