First Wednesdays October


Add to My Calendar Wednesday, October 1, 2014 6:00pm


Our Post 9/11 World: Challenging the Kafkaesque No Fly List Did you know that the government operates a “No Fly List” under near-total secrecy, never telling people on the List why they are listed or giving them a meaningful chance to dispute their placement? And worse, that secret watchlists have grown astronomically under President Obama, ensnaring thousands of innocent people? Join us for an evening with CCR’s Shayana Kadidal and CUNY CLEAR’s Diala Shamas who will discuss our case brought on behalf of four Muslim-American men who were placed on the No Fly List because they refused to serve as FBI informants. They’ll also make connections between this Kafkaesque system and other practices being used predominantly against Muslim-Americans in the post 9/11 era that CCR is challenging. The program will be a short one with plenty of time for Q & A and socializing. Feel free to forward the invitation to friends and colleagues. See you there!

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June 1, 2015