First Wednesdays November


Add to My Calendar Wednesday, November 5, 2014 6:00pm


Originally filed without legal assistance by Pelican Bay prisoners, CCR joined Ashker v. Brown in 2012, and turned it into a class action challenging prolonged solitary confinement as a violation of the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment, and the Due Process Clause. CCR is working with a broad coalition of prison activists, family members, and the prisoners themselves to end the practice of prolonged solitary confinement across the board. Fueled by the largest prison hunger strike ever, and by increasing legislative and public scrutiny, we have already forced the releases of hundreds of prisoners from the box. But hundreds more languish inside. Join CCR Senior Staff Attorney Rachel Meeropol for a brief discussion of the case followed by a Q and A.

Last modified 

June 1, 2015